Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Facebook Official

Jodran Shapiro @jordosh recently tweeted an article about how apps have started to control our social lives. Many times when people take pictures they instantly think to themselves if they should post it to their Facebook or Twitter account. We can agree that it is pretty bad when your everyday thoughts are tangled into an electronic existence. I feel that is is important to not let social identities control our true selves nor hinder our creativity.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Skype in the classroom

Skype is a great resource for any classroom. When students are learning new languages or just learning about cultures from around the world, they can connect directly to students from anywhere on the planet to learn directly from each other. Students can take virtual field trips using Skype and even have greater access to guest speakers. Sometimes authors will their books to whoever wants to watch and listen. Using Skype in the classroom may also help deteriorate racism by getting schools better connected with other schools around the world.

Twitter for Education

Teachers, principals, and virtually anyone working in education would benefit in some way or another while using Twitter as a personal learning network. I enjoy all the TED talk posts because they always have up to date information and new ideas on education all of the time. TED talks are excellent for keeping an eye on the future of education. It is also a good place to stay connected with professors and classmates. The more people and organizations that you follow, the more likely you are to find more interesting people to follow.